Friday, October 03, 2008


amazing sunset, today. again. felt the urge to go and bike through that light. to leave for a minute all the nonsense i was attempting to solve (without success, obviously). suddenly things make much more sense when they're embedded in so much light. it's a pretty cold palette, this sunset-after-the-rain lovely light we are often blessed with here in heidelberg, but still, makes things feel a little warmer. not that lately things make any less sense than they usually do, but guess i kind of feel more that time is passing by and i can't be an ostrich with the head in the sand forever. i need to make some plan. i usually hate plans, especially when they're tight and you don't feel comfy in them. but having no plan is unbearable - i found out. guess i'd like to love the idea, no plan, free, whatever... but i just can't stand it. unless, maybe, in the spectral light of heidelberg rainy sunsets. i might be even going to miss them. these short lapses of awareness. after all, life is not a continuous series of anything, just a collection of such momentary lapses. i might even admit that. one day. not now though. too early.

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