Saturday, October 18, 2008

my fair (?) day

spent almost my whole day in the weltladen today. the fair trade shop here in heidelberg. there were delicate things to take care of, which came out unexpected, and also found out stuff about people there i had no clue about. so the hot tea spill situation was just the lightest emergency. had to stay there way too long, we had to close for a while, a mess. me blaming german people for ordering cappuccino all day long (honestly, how can you at 6 pm??) and especially when the cappuccino machine is broken! and my room is as messy as could be, was supposed to tide it up today but no way... we had still customers long after feierabend (closing time) guess we're the only place all around germany where we don't respect it by the book - love the idea, but still... at least one of them was the most adorable boy in town, whose name i still don't manage to understand, but still he doesn't really look at me so no, not fair enough! guess i just need to crush on the couch for a little while...

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