Sunday, October 19, 2008

chocolate emissions

went to see tricky's concert a few days ago. in mannheim, which is the city round the corner, where the streets have no name. the concert was ok, nothing spectacular. way too short, definitely. but that's not what i want to talk about. the surreal thing happened actually right after the concert. as we were looking for our cars there around, we smelled something like... chocolate... or cocoa. weird enough, so we all reluctantly told to each other, not being sure of the feeling. i even thought i had hallucinations, but it really felt as if a chocolate factory had just blown out.
thanks to google, i found out that, actually, close to where we were, there is a chocolate factory, called Schokinag... probably it did not blow out, but was just releasing tons of its (maybe not so poisonous) gases in the atmosphere. funny to state it this way, in a moment like this, when european countries are trying to make plans on how to reduce CO2 emissions beyond the kyoto protocol, and italy is the only one saying no, that in times like these, with the finance crisis and everything, we should just screw the environment, basically. cool. great.

so i was thinking, it would be sweet if industries could just release cocoa instead than CO2. but i guess we're not leaving in the best world possible. not even close.

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