Sunday, May 03, 2009

another lost photo

these days i'm walking around doing normal stuff and i just miss having my camera with me. i should take it along all the time, just it's too heavy and anyway it's already enough if i remember to take my keys and my head along when i leave home in the morning, so, you do the maths... and these days i'm really seeing so many things i would like to shoot at... like the other day, i was at the grocery store and it was crazy! i mean, group-hysteria crazy! it was the day before may 1st, ie. the day before a holiday. so people were crowding in the grocery store like crazy... and with crazy i mean, that the whole grocery store (and it's a fairly big one) was in the end a huge, single queue to the cash register... when i got in, i just needed 3-4 things and it was not so dramatic, so i though ok, i'll give it a try. but then, in the time i picked up the above mentioned 3-4 things (incidentally, there was no bag of flour left! none! all gone! seriously??) the whole place had turned into a self-feeding serpent-shaped creature of obsessed people!!! and i know this year may 1st was a friday, so it means we had a long weekend ahead of us, but still, on saturday everything was open again, so what's the big rush?? maybe you're leaving town for the long weekend?? then you don't need to buy groceries anyway!!! what the hell?! anyway, back to the lost photo. i'm collecting a series of heidelberg/non-heidelberg pictures these days. i mean these situations that could happen everywhere but for some reason they happen here, in front of my very eyes. and this one was just perfect. people lining in the ailes, every direction possible. i couldn't look around without imagining possible shots. it was amazing. just, no camera. so, no shot. and since i'm not at all able to draw (although a girl i recently met told me it's not so impossible to learn in a reasonably short time... let's see, might be i'm gonna give it a try...) you have to rely on my narrating abilities. i'm sure i'm better at taking pictures. well, next time. just gotta remember to take my heavy camera along, i'm sure there will be plenty of mass-hysteria situations around me in the upcoming one month. right, forgot to mention. i happen to be leaving soon. but that's another story.

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