Wednesday, April 22, 2009

aha - an update

well, i have to admit it... my blog is kind of stalled... i try to keep it going on, but it's pretty evident it's just a series of pro forma attempts... don't know, too much stuff going on in my mind, too many variables and - weird enough - i'm so confused i don't even feel like writing about it. well, whatever...

at least i thought i could write an update about one of the good old topics of this blog, the AHa, ie. the Altes Hallenbad here in heidelberg, this inner pool from the 20's that was about to be turned first into a cultural centre and then into a bloody shopping mall. i don't have information for sure, but it looks like it's becoming none of them. apparently, they're using one of the rooms, the female bath, as a club (already saw a few posters advertising parties) and the male one, which is larger, for concerts, debates and all this kind of stuff. well i don't know whether it's just a temporary solution, and what's eventually going to come out of that place. have to admit i would have liked more the theatre-dance whatever solution, but still, this is the very less of two evils. and the idea that the nasty construction tycoon who's currently turning the city upside down, the idea that at least once he got to lost, well it's simply great. especially in the one place i really cared about.

more info at:


claudia said...

plus i found out that the artists/dancers who were working at aha and were now kind of "homeless", well they received a place for their activities close to the station!

it's not going to be as pretty as the aha, but still, at least culture's not going down!

good sign :)

claudia said...

damn! i found out the club/concert thing is just a temporary solution for the summer! then the evil construction guy is going on with his evil evil plans! crap!