Thursday, February 12, 2009


it's snowing again. just saw it outside the window. i recently developed an aversion to snow, but still, seeing the flakes coming down in the street lamp light, it was kind of pretty. sweet. whatever. guess i'm still in a sentimental mood after the silly romantic comedy i just watched with my roommate. but we both reckoned it was not the silliness nor the romance that put us in such a mood. it was clearly jude law. well, sorry for this kind of appreciation, but still, we're girls, it's kind of allowed... and also, he's soo british, everybody knows i've got a freaking thing for british accent - what the hell am i doing here, btw?! realising only now i'm writing absolutely random stuff. guess i'm just confused. sort of. i've been writing my thesis - finally! - these past few weeks and didn't think much about, well, whatever... didn't have good old paranoid thoughts as i used to last year. hardly had any thoughts at all. but today was a totally pointless day, and now i can't stop thinking about the me in my head, and what she would do, and why i'm not doing so. the me in my head... well, whatever.

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