since i was in dublin a couple of months ago, i've been looking for a picture of tom waits that i saw in a gallery in which we bumped into just by chance... it was full of pictures of musicians, and there were two nice shots of tom taken during a gig in london years ago... so i started looking for those pictures, a while ago, but i didn't remember the name of the gallery. thanks to google, you start typing "photo tom waits" and something else and you find tons of stuff... for example this nice picture by a deborah chesher, who apparently was active as a rock and roll photographer back then (check her blog, even though the title's pretty scary...) not the one i was looking for, but still cool, look at the smoke! which by the way one can also purchase as a poster as well... but still, not really my picture.
then i start googling for "dublin photo gallery whatever" and finally i end up in the website of the gallery ( which at the time was not so updated... so the only thing i found out was that the guy whose photos were hanging there when i happened to be in the gallery is a certain david corio, and apparently he shot this very famous one which you can find almost everywhere... and i almost convinced myself that the picture i liked so much was this one, which is very pretty anyway. but i was not sure, at least i didn't remember why i really liked it. i mean, it's nice the way the hands reflect the light and everything, but still. so after i while i check the website again, and now it's updated, and full of pictures, to buy too, if you have that money and wish to spend them on a photograph... and i find other pictures of tom, still by corio, nice pictures in the dark (i wish i could shoot in the dark some day) but still don't tell me much. and then finally, if you have survived alive until the end of this post, here it is, the picture i was looking for, and why did i really like it? it's plain, simple, won't say much to a lot of people, but me, i've never been to his concerts, and he doesn't really seem keen on doing any soon, so i have to imagine how it is, and that's almost exactly how i imagine it would be...
and still it's nice to imagine, but with a soundtrack it's better...
Hey Claudia!
I'm Dave and I run Gallery Number One - thanks for bloging about us and delighted you like the pic. Will post a link back to your blog this weekend!
an italian 20-something 30+ rather neurotic girl somehow lost in the middle of germany nowhere... well, somewhere in holland now
writing, writing, apparently i haven't been doing anything else lately... to have and keep a blog seemed like the most natural thing to do... whatever...
it's almost three months. never believed this blog would have lasted that long. cool.
it started as a joke, being only a collection of moody posts. but now i started liking it, and taking it more seriously. it's become a container of everything i want to tell but never have time or chance.
a container of stuff i somehow feel have not enough space. and since i find them interesting, i give them space here. maybe someone else finds them and thinks they're interesting too.
i never actually saw the point of a blog. i mean, why should one bother writing own thoughts on the net? and why should people bother reading them?
then one day i wrote an e-mail to a bunch of friends of mine. just for a change i was slightly moody. and when i finished the e-mail i thought: damn, this sounds exactly like the first entry of my blog!
Hey Claudia!
I'm Dave and I run Gallery Number One - thanks for bloging about us and delighted you like the pic. Will post a link back to your blog this weekend!
thanks dave!
i really liked the gallery, whenever i'm in dublin i'll definitely drop by again!
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