Thursday, July 02, 2009

bremen, game theory, evolution and immigration

haven't bloggged in a while. a veeeery long while. it's just that i left heidelberg and have been kind of around ever since. and i've been writing, sure, but with good old paper and pen. my friends even got me the sweetest gift - a portable typewriter! - and i initially thought i'd take it around and use it! but it's kind of heavy, so i preferred good old hand writing. hence, i didn't blog.

and now i'm in bremen, actually somewhere close to bremen but also in the middle of nowhere, in the dorms of a fancy shiny private university, which btw is financed by a coffee company - seriously?? seriously: have a look --> jacobs university... if you're wondering, yes, it's the same jacobs guy of the coffee, apparently the company is from bremen (at this point it would have been better if it had been founded by the other famous bremen company... becks beer!)

anyway it's kind of a shame for me being here. me, completely against private education. me, in favour of fair trade products. spending a week in a private university founded by some presumably nasty coffee company guys. anyway, i'm just attending a scientific conference, which has little or nothing to do with the university. at least.

and the conference is about evolution. i've been recently very interested in evolution and possible controversies about it. well, the lectures are not exactly what i expected, but i'm learning a lot anyway.

eg. some of the lectures were about game theory, which i found very interesting and had almost no clue about. i even thought, gees, hadn't it been a hard-core computational research field, i'd even consider it for the future. well, whatever. they were explaining us some games where some patterns arise, which are interesting for biological evolution.

the reason of cooperation between different humans, especially the uncorrelated ones.
cooperation is costly.
and you can usually get a gain anyway even if you don't cooperate, since most of the other individuals are going to cooperate anyway - why on earth should you ever cooperate??

there are also games where you can institute punishment for those who don't cooperate, but systems can be infiltrated by cooperators who don't punish and later by defectors... and a whole lot of other interesting examples. yes, ok, it's all about highly simplified systems, which are then used to model completely different situations.

however, this and other concepts about evolution made me think a lot these days. cooperation. selfishness vs. altruism. the richness in diversity.

especially in the framework of what just happened today in italy - the release of a law that makes immigration a penal crime. with all the obvious consequences of it, not to mention the violation of basic human rights. and the scary institution of citizens' patrols.

if only we were not such a bunch of hypocrites... we even forgot we were a country of migrants ourselves only last century. i guess not even a dramatic (but almost kitsch - have to admit) reconstruction like the one we saw yesterday (the museum of german migration... seriously?? seriously) could make most people change their mind. i was reading the comments of the readers to some articles in the news about the new law, and they're frightening. we've turned into monsters.

guess i'll quote my favourite of goya's...
"The sleep of reason produces monsters"
unfortunately. so true.

and i'll conclude with a photo...
just, this time it's about us. not the danes.

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